SPORTSMANS TRUNK BLACK 24IN LSportsmans Trunk Black - 24INL x 15INW x 13INH - Plano Sportsmans Trunks provideplenty of storage space for outdoor gear, tools, and more. Ideal for use in the garage, attic or work shed, these durable trunks feature molded grooves for easgarage, attic or work shed, these durable trunks feature molded grooves for easy stackingy stacking | 024099016193

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TOTE 68 QUART BLACKStorage Trunk Black - 68 QT - 14-1/4 Inch L x 30 Inch W - Tie-down extensions to securewhile transporting - Molded grooves for sturdy stacking - Lockable - Reinforced removable lid - Made from high-impact plastic - Heavy-duty latchesremovable lid - Made from high-impact plastic - Heavy-duty latches | 024099117197