PISTOL CARB 3-DIE SET 38 SPL/357 MAGPremium Carbide 3 Die Sets .38 Special/.357 Magnum/.357 Rem Max - Lyman was theoriginator of the Tungsten Carbide T-C sizing die and InchMulti Inch concept with the addition of extra seating screws for pistol die setsaddition of extra seating screws for pistol die sets | 011516700988

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$78.05 QUICK viewLYMAN
PISTOL CARB 3-DIE SET 44 MAGMulti-Deluxe 3-Die Carbide Pistol Die Set - .44 Mag, .44 Special, .445 Super Mag- Tungsten Carbine T-C sizing die - Extra seating screws for all popular bullet nose shapes - Two step neck expanding die - One piece hardened decapping rodet nose shapes - Two step neck expanding die - One piece hardened decapping rod | 011516701053

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$73.98 QUICK viewLYMAN
PISTOL CARB 3-DIE SET 45 ACPMulti-Deluxe 3-Die Carbide Pistol Die Set.45 ACP, .45 Mag Tungsten Carbine T-Csizing die - Extra seating screws for all popular bullet nose shapes - Two step neck expanding die - One piece hardened decapping rodneck expanding die - One piece hardened decapping rod | 011516701077

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$72.31 QUICK viewLYMAN
PISTOL CARB 3-DIE SET 45 COLTMulti-Deluxe 3-Die Carbide Pistol Die Set.45 Colt Tungsten Carbine T-C sizingdie - Extra seating screws for all popular bullet nose shapes - Two step neck expanding die - One piece hardened decapping rodpanding die - One piece hardened decapping rod | 011516701107

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$73.98 QUICK viewLYMAN
PISTOL CARB 3-DIE SET 9MM LUGERMulti-Deluxe 3-Die Carbide Pistol Die Set9mm Luger Tungsten Carbine T-C sizingdie - Extra seating screws for all popular bullet nose shapes - Two step neck expanding die - One piece hardened decapping rodxpanding die - One piece hardened decapping rod | 011516701114

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$70.55 QUICK viewLYMAN
PISTOL CARB 3-DIE SET 380 ACPMulti-Deluxe 3-Die Carbide Pistol Die Set.380 Auto Tungsten Carbine T-C sizingdie - Extra seating screws for all popular bullet nose shapes - Two step neck expanding die - One piece hardened decapping rodxpanding die - One piece hardened decapping rod | 011516701121