BEAR SPRAY HOLSTER FITS BOTH UNITSBear Spray Holster Lightweight holster is perfect for carrying your Bear PepperMace - Made of durable nylon, it fits most belts and features a long cover flap and double wide Velcro-like areaand double wide Velcro-like area | 022188803648

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$6.98 QUICK viewMACE
KUROS COMPACT PEPPER SPRAYKUROS Pepper Spray with UV Dye Features a molded, durable case - Flip grip trigger prevents accidental discharge - Built-in keychain clip for fast and easy access - Contains 10 bursts with a spray range of 10 feetcess - Contains 10 bursts with a spray range of 10 feet | 022188805284

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POCKET MODEL PEPPER SPRAY NEON GREENPocket Pepper Spray Neon Green - 12g - Sprays 10 feet - Up to 15 bursts - Flip-top safety cap prevents accidental discharge - Comfortable in most womens hands and finger-grip design makes it easy to aimand finger-grip design makes it easy to aim | 022188807448

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$9.83 QUICK viewMACE
PEPPER MACE POCKET W/KEYCHAIN 11GPepper Mace Pocket Approved in All 50 States - Easy aim feature - Compact designand fingergrip dispenser fits comfortably in womans hand - 11 gram stream unit sprays 6-12 feet - Contains no UV Dye - Keychain - Contains 5, one second burstsprays 6-12 feet - Contains no UV Dye - Keychain - Contains 5, one second burstss | 022188807455

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PEPPER MACE POCKET NEON BL KEYCHAIN 11GPocket Pepper Spray Neon Blue - 11 gram stream unit - Sprays 10 feet - 15 bursts- 10 OC Pepper UV Dye - OC pepper spray causes respiratory distress and coughing, impaired vision and an intense burning sensation to the skinhing, impaired vision and an intense burning sensation to the skin | 022188807462

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$8.45 QUICK viewMACE
PEPPER MACE JOGGER - HOT PINK 18GSport Pepper Spray Pink - Up to 20 Bursts - 18 grams - 12 Range - UV dye leavesa long-lasting residue to support investigation and identification - OC pepper spray causes respiratory distress and coughing, impaired vision - Hand Strapspray causes respiratory distress and coughing, impaired vision - Hand Strap | 022188807608

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SPORT PEPPER SPRAY - BLACKSport Pepper Spray Black - Up to 20 Bursts - 18 grams - 12 Range - UV dye leaves a long-lasting residue to support investigation and identification - OC pepper spray causes respiratory distress and coughing, impaired vision - Hand Strapspray causes respiratory distress and coughing, impaired vision - Hand Strap | 022188807615

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3-IN1HOLSTERFrontiersman 3-In-1 Bear Spray Holster Black - Chest, Belt w/ Metal Clip, Carabiner - For 7.9oz and 9.2oz Canisters - Make your SABRE Frontiersman Bear Spray ready at a moments notice with the SABRE Frontiersman 3-in-1 Bear Spray Holsterready at a moments notice with the SABRE Frontiersman 3-in-1 Bear Spray Holster. This versati. This versati | 023063045467

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SABRE RED LOCKING TOP MAG 4.36OZ CLMSabre Maximum Strength Red Pepper Spray Magnum 120 police locking top magnum Includes UV Marking Dye - 4.36 oz - Approximately 35 shots - Heavy Cone spray pattern - Greater respiratory affectrn - Greater respiratory affect | 023063101200

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BLUE FACE .69OZ HARDCASE W/BLUE DYESabre Red Blue Face Pepper Spray Keychain .69 oz - Hardcase - With blue dye - Maximum strength - Blue marking dye lasts 24 hours - Attachment clip - Quick release key ring attachment - Will alert others to avoid contact and contact the polise key ring attachment - Will alert others to avoid contact and contact the policece | 023063105642